Hermetic City es un estudio experimental para colonizar ambientes extremos con una huella reducida. La propuesta prevé un nuevo tipo de hábitat que pueda satisfacer las necesidades básicas para que la vida humana tenga lugar en entornos hostiles.

Experimental Study


Creative Director
Jordi Fernández
Eduardo Gutiérrez
Luciana Teodózio,
Georgina Morales
3D Visualization

According to the U.N., 68% of the world population is projected to live in urban areas by 2050. It is time for us to rethink how we occupy our Planet and explore new areas beyond the ones we are used to. Hermeticity is an experimental study towards colonizing extreme environments with a reduced footprint.

Hermetic City es un estudio experimental para colonizar ambientes extremos con una huella reducida. La propuesta prevé un nuevo tipo de hábitat que pueda satisfacer las necesidades básicas para que la vida humana tenga lugar en entornos hostiles.

The Proposal
The proposal envisions a new type of habitat that can provide the basic needs for human life to take place in harsh environments. Growing upwards instead of horizontally saves resources and energy. It reduces the impact on the surrounding ecosystem by keeping all the activities concentrated over the same core.

The Towers
Each tower works as a vertical city. Throughout its height, different functions take place such as housing units, public spaces, green areas, shops, drone stations, leisure, and sports facilities, labs, offices, schools, medical units, recycling stations, power plants, hydroponic, and algae farms.

Hermetic City es un estudio experimental para colonizar ambientes extremos con una huella reducida. La propuesta prevé un nuevo tipo de hábitat que pueda satisfacer las necesidades básicas para que la vida humana tenga lugar en entornos hostiles.

The common areas are fixed from the start, while the housing units grow according to the number of inhabitants who decide to move in. This building seeks a balance between the various activities that compose human well-being. The goal is to be able to live as if the inhabitants were in a normal climate. Humans have developed through time technology that allows us to explore and benefit from nature more smartly and efficiently. The synergy between Humans, technology, and nature is the only way to endure Climate Change.

Hermetic City es un estudio experimental para colonizar ambientes extremos con una huella reducida. La propuesta prevé un nuevo tipo de hábitat que pueda satisfacer las necesidades básicas para que la vida humana tenga lugar en entornos hostiles.

“Hermeticity” is equipped with wind and solar energy captors which are embedded in the functioning of the building. The facade contains several drone ports that work as a channel between the inhabitants and the need to explore the surroundings. Hydroponic farming and photobioreactors which provide food and biofuel supply the population. Finally, a hyperloop station on the base of the building connects this city to other civilizations.

Hermetic City es un estudio experimental para colonizar ambientes extremos con una huella reducida. La propuesta prevé un nuevo tipo de hábitat que pueda satisfacer las necesidades básicas para que la vida humana tenga lugar en entornos hostiles.
Hermetic City es un estudio experimental para colonizar ambientes extremos con una huella reducida. La propuesta prevé un nuevo tipo de hábitat que pueda satisfacer las necesidades básicas para que la vida humana tenga lugar en entornos hostiles.
Hermeticity is an experimental study toward colonizing extreme environments with a reduced footprint.